Unlocking possibilities with advanced genetic testing

By Ashleigh Bouguenon

15 February 2024

February is a time to celebrate Reproductive Health Month and Pregnancy Awareness Week, and create awareness of some of the genetic testing options available to prospective parents along the reproductive journey. This month reminds us of the journey leading to successful and healthy pregnancies, especially for those navigating the sometimes-emotional path of IVF and pregnancy loss.

This month, we would like use this opportunity to talk about how advancements in non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), Products of Conception (POC) testing, and preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A), are transforming the IVF and pregnancy landscape, empowering prospective parents with information to enable informed decision making throughout their journey.

TriScreen Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) allows expectant parents to assess chromosomal abnormalities in their developing fetus with a simple blood test. This non-invasive, early-pregnancy option offers peace of mind and valuable information on the chromosomal health of your baby.

POCScreen, often overlooked but crucial, provides vital insights into early pregnancy losses. Understanding the chromosomal makeup of the POC can help diagnose potential causes for the loss, rule out maternal factors, and inform future pregnancy planning. This knowledge, though sometimes difficult, can be a powerful tool for healing and moving forward.

And then there is PGT-A: a pre-implantation game-changer. This technology identifies chromosomal abnormalities in embryos before they are transferred to the uterus, significantly increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy and reducing the emotional toll of early miscarriages. PGT-A is a powerful tool that enables a more informed IVF journey.

This February, we would like to celebrate not just reproductive health and pregnancy awareness, but also the incredible tools that provide vital information along the IVF and pregnancy journeys.